Home Design Academy

HDA 046: Custom Design or Production Home - What is Best for Your Family

Chris Episode 46

#046: When deciding to take on a major home construction project, either building a new home or renovating an existing home there are many different paths you can take. New construction and custom design is not for everyone and you need to start with your end goals and what you value in mind and choose a way forward which best aligns with these values.

In this episode I walk you through a number of methods for completing your project and discuss some of the pros and cons for each, while explaining what you can expect.

Think of your architect not just as the designer of your new -or- renovated home, but as your guide to helping you make the tough decisions you will face.

Consider purchasing a copy of my book: The Homeowner's Guide to Residential Design and Construction Projects. It is available as a PDF download through my website or in a paperback version on Amazon.

visit n3 architecture for more information

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